Talks, Walks & Events
Past Events
In 2023 I performed The Long Arc at the following events:
8/7/23 Timber Festival
14/7/23 Frome Festival
22/7/23 Shaftesbury Fringe Festival
21/9/23 Shute Festival
12/12/22 Ebenezer Presents, Aller, Somerset
2/07/22 Messums Wiltshire
30/06/22 Salisbury Museum
13/03/22 Reading The Land, Shaftesbury Book Festival
19/01/22 Dorset Wildlife Trust - Sherborne Branch
24/06/21 Groundworks / Yellow Lighted Bookshop, Nailsworth https://yellowlightedbookshop.co.uk/product/LivingWithTrees6/
04/06/21 Timber Festival, National Forest, Leicestershire https://timberfestival.org.uk/
24/09/21 Shaftesbury Tree Festival
30/09/21 Shute Festival, East Devon http://www.shutefest.org.uk/
13/10/21 Mere Gardening Club in association with Mere Literary Festival https://mereliteraryfestival.com/
21/10/21 Wimborne Green Festival
16/12/21 Tisbury Natural History Society
24/11/20 Book Launch (online) https://youtu.be/bBwm0biit1A
24/05/20 Urban Tree Festival, Dulwich https://urbantreefestival.org/
17/05/20 Nature Unwrapped, King’s Place, London https://www.kingsplace.co.uk/whats-on/nature-unwrapped/
05/03/20 Fernhurst Horticultural Society, Surrey
20/07/19 Seed Festival, Hawkwood, Stroud http://www.seedfestival.co.uk/talks/