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Newsletter July 2023

New Publications!

Ready for the festival season, I have had some copies of Invocation, cleave and ArborVitae printed (A5 format perfect bound). They are beautiful little books, especially the lovely pictures by Juliet Wimhurst. You can buy them individually or in various combinations on my website here, or at the various festivals

I have refreshed my website too with more info on my various writings and some new videos.

Timber Festival

Just packing for the Timber Festival -

It's the first performance of The Long Arc (see below), so that is both exciting and nerve-wracking. Karen is also performing Jump, her pieces for insect and amphibian sounds and clarinets.

The Long Arc

Where are we?

How did we get here?

Where are we going?


The Long Arc is a poetry performance which addresses these urgent questions over the course of three pomes, with

some visual images and recorded music. I will be performing this show over the summer. Find out more on my website here

I am looking forward to reading my pomes out loud, but it’s rather scary! Luckily I will have Juliet Wimhurst’s beautiful pictures in support. See a taster in this short showreel (1.23 mins)

Arbor Vitae is a poetic version of my book 'Living With Trees', with images by Juliet Wimhurst.

cleave is a collection of poems tracing our estrangement from nature, our enslavement on the treadmill of 'progress', and how we might address this.

Invocation is words set to the famous music of Barber's Adagio, recited / sung by me. It is an invitation to the four elements, in their benign forms, to come to us and enrich our lives. It is also a warning to humans not to summon the elements in their destructive shadow forms.

Performances so far:

Sat 8th July – Timber Festival, in The National Forest

Fri 14th July – Frome Festival, in Rise Bakery, 4pm

Sat 22nd July – Shaftesbury Fringe, The Grosvenor Hotel, 11am

Thu 21st Sept – Shute Festival, St Michael's Church, Shute EX13 7QW, 7pm

Currently looking for other festivals and events – let me know!



© 2020 by Robin Walter

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