noun. a fruit consisting of a fleshy enlarged receptacle and a tough central core containing the seeds, e.g. an apple, pear, or quince.
from my collection cleave :
first published in Tears in the Fence
billowing blossoms met with marble slabs
harmony chants deflect off blinding glass
creative foment kettled by riot shields
no purchase on the oilslick suits
a voice from the tempest whispers
‘there is only despair
in the world we create’
so let this erotic edifice erode
let metamorphosis commence
we do not know how this will end
what metamorph will emerge
winged or
clawed or
glistening quartz
from my collection dwell :
first published in Tears in the Fence
my pot is crocked
long broken jug
every day smashed
hard edged shards strewn haphazard
cannot contain a thing
forever fissure kid
compelled to fix
what cannot be fixed
stark facts jab
awkward necessities poke
the silver threads turn
to rigid needles
stabbing sprawling flesh
welcome furry friend
come blur the sharp distinction
come hold me in your fuzzy arms
embrace me now entire
my luscious michelin mother
come unbroken bottle let us drink
to celebrate wholehearted
this unwholesome