Other Publications
Regenerative Forestry
This is a report researched and written by me for the Soil Association, published Feb 2022. I coined the term 'regenerative forestry' as a complement to regenerative agriculture, advocating a land use which not only produces timber and fibre for us, but which also brings benefits for biodiversity, climate and people. It can be done and there are many fine examples.
Free download of the Report and the Evidence here

Evolving the Forest
This includes a poem of mine, #LivingWithTrees, which is a condensed poetic version of my book.
Published by art.earth, with a foreword by Sir Harry Studholme, Evolving the Forest is a book with a wide array of voices celebrating the past and future of our trees, woods and forests. Contributions are from artists, scientists, policy-makers, foresters, NGOs, historians, philosophers and others, curated into three sections: ecology and forest management, creative responses, and philosophy & polemic.
Available here https://art-earth.org.uk/product/evolving-the-forest/

Arboreal - A Collection of New Woodland Writing
In 2016, Little Toller Books published 'Arboreal - A Collection of New Woodland Writing', edited by Adrian Cooper and including an essay of mine entitled 'Thinning - Kingsettle Wood'.
There are some great short essays to read.
Available here www.littletoller.co.uk/shop/books/little-toller/arboreal/

Greenspace Design for Health and Well-Being
In 2012, I co-wrote 'Greenspace Design for Health and Well-Being' with Aileen Shackell for the Forestry Commission. It explores how trees and nature can support our health - the 'Natural Health Service'.
A pdf of the book is available here:
Hard copy online here:
Scotland developed the themes here www.nature.scot/professional-advice/contributing-healthier-scotland/our-natural-health-service/nhs-greenspace
Aileen continues the good work here www.asa-landscape.com/