Robin Walter
Forester, Writer, Speaker
currently working on poems about
the natural world and depression
also known for planting trees, playing jazz guitar,
teaching ukulele, singing . . .
Regenerative Forestry
What is it and why is it important?
Article in QJF Jan 2025

Read the article
I have been working with trees and woods since 1988 in a variety of ways:
Green Deserts - Work on deforestation and desertification
London - Arboricultural Climber
Woodland Management - for private clients
Dorset - Planting and Chainsaw contractor
Fountain Forestry - Manager on large planting schemes
Griffiths Forestry Associates - Forest Mgt on private estates
Chartered Forester - 2002 - 2016 when I let it lapse
Woodland Trust - Officer for part of Dorset & Hampshire
Independent Forester - since 2010
Co-authored Greenspace Design for Health & Well-being
Forest Certification Auditor in UK and International
More recently I have been writing:
Author of Living With Trees
Researcher & Writer for Regenerative Forestry
Author of Arbor Vitae, cleave, Invocation
Poems published in Tears in the Fence